Taiza Crab Mislabeling Scandal: Challenges in Brand Protection and Legal Perspectives

Today, I would like to share my thoughts on the mislabeling scandal involving the brand crab “Taiza Crab” from Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture.

Overview of the Incident

The Kyoto Prefectural Fisheries Cooperative has announced plans to review its tag management system, which indicates that crabs were landed at Taiza Port. This decision follows suspicions that Mitsuru Nakai, an executive of the seafood processing and sales company “Marunaka Suisan” in the same city, illicitly obtained these tags and mislabeled snow crabs landed at other ports as “Taiza Crab” for sale.

Legal Perspective

This incident is suspected to be a violation of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act. The Unfair Competition Prevention Act is designed to ensure fair competition between companies and protect consumer interests. Actions like falsifying tags that safeguard brand value, as in this case, deceive consumers and severely undermine the brand’s reliability, constituting a significant violation.

Importance of Brand Protection

“Taiza Crab” is highly esteemed as the “phantom crab” for its exquisite taste and quality. This brand value has been built through the persistent efforts of fishers over many years, grounded in consumer trust. Therefore, incidents like this mislabeling scandal have the potential to significantly tarnish the entire brand’s reputation.

Necessity of Preventive Measures

The fisheries cooperative plans to review the tag management system and consider introducing quantity control measures by the cooperative. By doing so, it aims to prevent the recurrence of fraudulent activities and restore the brand’s credibility. Additionally, collaboration with government authorities is crucial. Implementing appropriate legal measures is necessary to protect the brand and regain consumer trust.


This incident reaffirms the importance of brand protection and the necessity of a supporting legal framework. For consumers to confidently purchase high-quality products, it is essential for fishers, sales agents, and government authorities to work together to maintain the brand’s reliability.

When purchasing branded products, everyone should pay attention to their reliability and management system. See you in the next article.