The Importance of Intellectual Property Protection Highlighted by the GI Registration of Choshu Kurokashiwa

The news that the locally-originated Choshu Kurokashiwa, an original chicken breed from Nagato City, has been registered under the “Geographical Indication (GI) Protection System” by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries holds significant meaning from an intellectual property perspective. GI registration is a system that protects regional products as intellectual property and enhances their brand value. As a result, Choshu Kurokashiwa is legally protected, preventing unauthorized use while maintaining quality control standards.

Choshu Kurokashiwa is a meat chicken developed based on the natural monument “Kuro Kashiwa” chicken, employing special breeding methods for its production. By limiting the density in chicken coops and using feed blended with locally produced rice and rice bran, high-quality chicken meat is produced. The production period is also about twice as long as usual, providing firm and well-textured meat.

Since production and shipping began in 1999, Choshu Kurokashiwa has steadily penetrated the market, currently being raised by four farms in Nagato City and Mine City. About 30,000 chickens are shipped annually, with a market value of approximately 30 million yen. With GI registration, further market expansion and nationwide recognition are expected.

From an intellectual property protection standpoint, GI registration is an important means of enhancing brand reliability. For example, it can curb unauthorized use of the registered name, safeguarding the brand value. Additionally, regular inspections ensure that production systems are checked, guaranteeing quality maintenance.

The GI registration also provides Nagato City with an excellent opportunity to promote itself nationwide as a “town of yakitori.” With Nagato City having one of the highest concentrations of yakitori restaurants in the country, the enhanced brand value of Choshu Kurokashiwa is likely to contribute to regional tourism promotion. The concerted efforts of local yakitori restaurants and stakeholders in developing new recipes and striving for further market expansion are expected to lead to the revitalization of the entire region.

The GI registration of Choshu Kurokashiwa goes beyond merely protecting a regional product; it reaffirms the importance of intellectual property. This achievement, the result of local efforts and ingenuity, deserves to be widely recognized and appreciated by many.