Apple’s App Store Guidelines Revision and New Possibilities for Retro Game Emulators

On April 6, 2024, Apple updated its App Store review guidelines to include wording that explicitly permits retro game console emulator apps. This marks a significant policy shift for Apple, which has previously prohibited apps that execute code from external sources.

The new guidelines allow the provision of “specific software not embedded in the binary,” and explicitly state that “emulator apps for retro game consoles may offer game downloads.” Specifically, section 4.7, “Mini Apps, Mini Games, Streaming Games, Chatbots, Plugins, Game Emulators,” addresses emulators concretely for the first time.

This change increases the likelihood of emulator apps being officially distributed on the App Store. However, it is important to note that the software provided by these apps must comply with all of Apple’s guidelines and applicable laws. Particularly, the distribution and use of ROM files for retro games, which carry a high risk of copyright infringement, are strictly regulated.

On the other hand, using ROM files created from one’s legally owned software or officially distributed ROM files is considered legal in some cases. Apple appears to be promoting the use of legitimate emulator apps.

Additionally, the guideline revision opens the possibility for game developers to release apps with built-in emulator functionality and sell ROM files for download within the app. This would be a significant advantage for retro game enthusiasts.

The revised guidelines are expected to be applied globally, not just in Japan. This will enable developers and users worldwide to explore new possibilities for emulator apps.

It will be fascinating to see how Apple’s new policy shift impacts the market and what kinds of emulator apps will emerge. We look forward to the future of emulator apps that provide new gaming experiences while ensuring user safety and compliance with the law.