Beijing’s Technological Innovation: Progress Towards Global Leadership

Over the past decade, Beijing has made remarkable strides, positioning itself as a leading global “science and technology power.” The city has consistently adhered to innovation-driven development to establish a central advantage in science and technology.

Noteworthy achievements were made between 2014 and 2023. The number of patents per 10,000 people increased more than fivefold, from 48.2 to 262.9. The annual value of technology contracts expanded from 313.6 billion yuan to 853.69 billion yuan. Additionally, the number of enterprises recognized as “National High-Tech Enterprises” rose from 10,400 to 28,300, and the number of newly established tech companies per day increased from 146 to 337.

Moreover, Beijing has maintained a top-tier status in the academic world. According to the British scientific journal “Nature,” Beijing has ranked first in the “Nature Index Science Cities” for several consecutive years. Beijing also topped the “Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) List” for 2023, solidifying its position as an international hub for scientific and technological innovation.

Beijing is also focused on linking technological innovation with industrial development to form “new quality productive forces.” Through support measures for emerging industries such as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), humanoid robots, and commercial space activities, new industrial clusters are forming. Particularly noteworthy are the next-generation information technology, scientific and technological services, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, and integrated circuits (IC).

Director Zhang Jihong stated, “Beijing, looking towards the future, will support high-quality development based on scientific and technological self-reliance and strength. By deepening reforms, we will elevate the construction of a global science and technology innovation center to a new stage.” Such efforts will significantly contribute to building a powerful science and technology nation and the construction of Chinese-style modernization.

Beijing’s progress in this regard is highly intriguing to me. The sharp increase in data related to patents and technology contracts highlights the growing importance of intellectual property. I intend to continue observing Beijing’s trends and evaluating the role of intellectual property at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation.