Lessons Learned from Copyright Infringement in Tokushima City

Tokushima City has agreed to pay approximately 250,000 yen in damages to the copyright holder for unauthorized use of an illustration in materials related to downtown revitalization. This case offers lessons and future response strategies.

Background and Issues of Copyright Infringement

Tokushima City used an illustration depicting smiling people to express the concept of diversity. This illustration was used in materials for a meeting in June 2021 and published on the city’s website. However, in December last year, the copyright holder pointed out the unauthorized use. The responsible staff member mistakenly believed the illustration found on the internet was copyright-free.

Several issues can be identified as the background to this misunderstanding:

Lack of Awareness about Copyright:

The staff lacked basic knowledge of copyright law, leading to the misunderstanding that the illustration found online was copyright-free.

Inadequate Verification System:

There was no established system for verifying copyright during the preparation of materials.

Insufficient Education and Awareness:

Training and awareness activities on copyright for staff were inadequate.

Measures to Prevent Recurrence and Future Efforts

To prevent recurrence, the city must undertake the following initiatives:

Conducting Copyright Training:

Regular copyright training sessions should be held for staff to deepen their understanding of the basics of copyright law.

Creating Checklists:

Develop checklists for verifying copyright when using illustrations and images in materials, and introduce a strict verification process.

Utilizing Experts:

Establish a system to seek advice from copyright experts when necessary.

Promoting the Use of Copyright-Free Materials:

Encourage the use of materials that are verified to be copyright-free or in the public domain.

Reviewing Past Materials:

Check previously created materials for any risk of copyright infringement and make necessary corrections or compensations.


This case has been an expensive lesson for Tokushima City, but it also serves as an important warning for other municipalities and organizations. Even unintentional copyright infringement carries legal risks and requires constant vigilance. By implementing appropriate measures, it is essential to minimize future risks and provide reliable administrative services to citizens.