福元 栄作– Author –
Reflecting on the Patent Dispute Between Apple and Masimo: The Importance of Medical Device Patents
福元 栄作 -
South Korea Achieves World’s Number One in MicroLED Patents: The Importance of Technological Innovation and Patent Strategy
福元 栄作 -
On the Rapid Growth of China’s Service Trade and Trends in Intellectual Property Royalties
福元 栄作 -
The Prevalence of Fraudulent Activities in UEFN and Epic Games’ Response
福元 栄作 -
The Evolution of Game Console Design as Seen in Nintendo’s New Patent and Its Significance
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From Fairy Tale to Horror: Jagged Edge Productions’ New Release ‘Bambi: The Reckoning’
福元 栄作 -
The New SEO Scam by Nonexistent Law Firms: The Trap Behind DMCA Notices
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Taiza Crab Mislabeling Scandal: Challenges in Brand Protection and Legal Perspectives
福元 栄作 -
The Value and Future of Intellectual Property as Demonstrated by KISS’s $300 Million Sale
福元 栄作 -
Generative AI and Copyright Infringement: A Comparison of Recent Chinese Rulings and Japanese Perspectives
福元 栄作